What is Paradroid?

Paradroid is a program that allows your friends to open links on *your* phone from a simple web page.

Simply follow the setup guide , and you will end up with a 'public link' that you can share with your friends. This public link will take them to a page where they can submit links that will be automatically opened in your phones web browser.

What is this used for?

Have you ever wanted to troll your friend by sending them a random meme or video, but don't want them to avoid opening it? Paradroid can handle that for you. Any situation where you want to be able to open a website on someone else's phone without warning will be a great use for Paradroid.

How does it work?

Paradroid makes use of the Macrodroid app and custom macros to take links you submit on someone's public link page, and combine them with the persons private link, before then sending it to the Macrodroid app to be opened on their phone.

This site allows you to send links to the app on a persons phone with the click of a button, instead of having to manually combine the URL you wish to share and a private link together before hand.